Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Essence of TB Photovoice

I wish you all could have been in the room today as our amazing TB Photovoice Kenyan group wrote stories about the photos they took yesterday out in the community, and shared them with the group.  Each of the 3 photos they choose to share was filled with a deeper meaning that they expressed with great passion and intention.  Through today's sharing, I watched the understanding of the power of photovoice come into view.  A seemingly ordinary picture turns into a metaphor for an aspect of their life's experience.  What was a bit abstract the first day has become clear and has made the group excited about their work and the future of the project.  As we discussed the photos, they each expressed their story in such a thoughtful and meaningful way that my role as a facilitator was quite easy as it didn't take but little prompts for them to discuss the many aspects of the photo.  So glad we recorded their voices!  Although at times there was rather loud background noise as what sounded like a freight train thumped away above us!  Again, I am so happy that I arrived last week as I have learned so much about the realities and culture of Nairobi and Nakuru, as well as my ears had a chance to get use to the Kenyan accent!  My visa is for 3 months......hmmmm...wonder if they family wants to come and join me!!!

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